Full of Strangers

I met the stranger coming on my way down to the creek
He said his friends were with him, traveling all week
His story sounded good to me so I asked him "How it goes?"
Said he had some lumber there and "nails the size of crows."

The world is full of strangers, stranger, stranger, strangers
The world is full of strangers, but why nobody knows.

I think I saw the stranger, I was goin' up the store
Was he looking over me in hopes that I'd know more?
My arms were full of plans, they said I needed some
We'll be working on this job until the daylight comes

The world is full of strangers, stranger, stranger, strangers
The world is full of strangers, and you're not the only one.

I heard the stranger coming, some splinters in his hands
He sidled past in silence, with no words at his command
I asked him "Did you do that, do that for the wealth?"
He looked down and wondered why I cared about his health

The world is full of strangers, stranger, stranger, strangers
The world is full of strangers, you should treat them as yourself.

(Somewhat chaotic instralude)

The world is full of strangers, they're just friends you never knew

I crossed the stranger's path again while waiting for my turn
He looked at me through eyes I knew could never burn
When I turned to talk to him this time he was not there -
I wondered why he comes to me and vanishes in the air.

The world is full of strangers, stranger, stranger, strangers
The world is full of strangers, but this one seems to care.

Came the stranger to a funeral scheduled for next year
His suit was worn and sagging, his hair could use a beer
He leaned in close and whispered words with hoarsened breath -
"Is it always gonna be so hard to conquer death?"

The world is full of strangers, stranger, stranger, strangers
The world is full of strangers holding mirrors to themselves


© Huw Powell
printed 16 February 2025

file location: www.humanthoughts.org/full_of_strangers.htm

Full of Strangers